Sunday, 16 October 2011

Johnny Trashed - Johnny Cash Tribute

You only had to see the 'Dukes of Hazzard' flag  and rams head on the mic stand and that wonderful double bass ready to be spanked and plucked to know that Johnny Trashed were in the building. Johnny Trashed are an amazing punked up tribute to the one and only legend that is Johnny Cash.
There intro couldn't be  mistaken and very tongue in cheek,the lads swaggered on to the stage to the sounds of The Waltons. 

Now these guys are professional make no mistake, but they have the ability to do everything tongue in cheek to give the max to their entertainment level. The banter on stage with a couple of heckling and 'yeee ha's' from the audience add to the gig.

The audience tapping their feet on the first number only to be dancing and pogoing by the second number, was enough to really get the party started. Smiling faces confirmed that the night was a good night. The band will be booked for July next year so keep your eyes peeled.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

LA Guns/Damn Dice/The Prophets Of Addiction - Pontypool, The Hog & Hosper - 8th October 2011

On Oct 8th 2011 we had the privilege of having LA Guns grace our stage. Although we are a small place, we book the occasional Rock Star to play our 'Living Room' giving our customers an up close and personal experience. Alot of the bands have played Arena's playing to thousands, so for them to come to The Hog is a real scoop.. Johnny Hayward from Uber Rock came to see LA Guns and wrote a wonderful review on his idols as well as giving The Hog the thumbs up.
Click the link to have a read.

LA Guns/Damn Dice/The Prophets Of Addiction - Pontypool, The Hog & Hosper - 8th October 2011

Guitars, Keyboards, Midi and Hi Tech Recording from SoundsLive

Getting upto date and How Bands can get a Gig here

Hi guys and Girls. 
Well I haven't been great at keeping this Blog up to date, shame on me lol. Its been all go at The Hog lately. We have had some fab acts since I last wrote, including Sham 69 and LA Guns.

We are going to be going through a few changes over the next month or so and are looking to re brand. Don't worry, you will still be seeing your favourite bands at The Hog so that wont change. I am just looking to re launch The Hog in a fun and funky way. Its exciting times for all the Team here so keep your eyes peeled on the website and on this Blog ( yes I will keep it up to date more often)

I have also been really busy booking bands into the middle of next year. I have had loads of emails and calls off bands for gigs which is great, but can I politely ask bands to provide a link to a website with a Biog and demos so we can see what you have to offer. Don't forget your selling a service and with any service you need to provide credentials. I know you may be thinking ' Who the hell does she think she is?' but believe me, I ran a very successful Blondie Tribute band for 17 years and the main thing was providing a potential customer with a great marketing package to promote the band. At first this consisted of an A2 glossy poster an A4 promo card, a biog and a DVD consisting of video, audio and images. All in all this costed £5 to me but reaped great rewards and we were gigging on average 3 times a week. I also put a digital package together where I would email customers/clients back and direct them to a website with all the same info on.
Your promotional material speaks volumes about how you, as a band come across. If your promo material looks professional, your band comes across professional.

Also, do yourself and the venues a favour when it comes to being booked by every pub in the same area. Leave yourselves enough time each side of the bookings so you don't saturate the area. IE play here this week, the pub down the road the following week. Its tough out there at the moment and neither you, the band, or the venue you are playing at will reap any rewards. What will simply happen is that your audience will get complacent with 'oh we will give them a miss as they are playing up the road in a couple of weeks.' This will result in falling audience attendance which will result in your gigs being cancelled as the venues simply wont be able to cover your fee. I hope this makes sense to the FAQ that I have put for bands on the Hog website. I have had to put terms and conditions when bands are booked to play here. I'm not being a bitch ( although I don't take offence to being called one) I'm simply being a business woman and protecting well.... my business and even yours.
Well here endeth the lesson, as they say. Its something I have been trying to explain for sometime and I hope it has come across in a well written manner rather then a nutty shouty woman.
Guitars, Keyboards, Midi and Hi Tech Recording from SoundsLive